Jems Institute


A Genuine REVOLUTION in Helping Guests Buy

Two women sitting at a table looking at something.
For more than decades – perhaps centuries – the retail selling of jewelry has required extensive product knowledge and the command of various “techniques”.
And that has required consistent, on-going and repeat training from sales gurus, difficult assessments of situations and prospects, and an over all process that could be highly off-putting to your guests.
In their frustration they often declare “I’ll be back” as they walk out the door. And we all know, they won’t.

A truly different way to sell that changes everything…

A woman is sewing on the table in front of some necklaces.

Not a new spin on old principles… A totally NEW approach…

“Yes Point Selling” involves a truly revolutionary process called risk assessment, based on the observation of more than 35,000 sales interactions, and which is used by top sales performers in most industries. It’s INCREDIBLY effective!

Working closely with jewelers across the country, JEMS Co-founder Paul Furse refined the process specifically for the jewelry industry, enabling floor jewelers to accurately and almost instantly assess every guest’s level of risk in each particular visit.
Through this simple to understand and use process, each jeweler can give clients exactly the kind of help THEY need.
The results are both obvious and virtually immediate. By comparison to how we are accustomed to “selling”, it is indeed, almost miraculous!
YES POINT SELLING is the answer!
This process is amazingly comfortable for your guests, fun for your staff, and certainly fun for you as you watch both your closing rates and your ticket size climb sky high!
PLUS – transactions are happening quickly, with much less need for technical assistance, and almost always just one visit, even on 5-figure sales. No more of this “I’ll be back” stuff!
Even newer floor jewelers are productive a LOT sooner than normal!
We’re constantly hearing from jewelers we’ve taught this. Words like:
“Amazing!”  – “Miraculous!”  –  “REVOLUTIONARY!”
So Simple, you won’t believe it can be this good. But it is!

You and your staff will learn the 4 magic questions that allow you to DEMONSTRATE a truly unique level of caring for each guest and their needs – a clear and unmistakable demonstration that is beyond anything anyone has ever been able to accomplish on a sales floor, until now! 

Then, you’ll get the incredibly powerful, but very comfortable “Bonus Question” that is delivering multi-thousand dollar unassisted up-sells on a regular basis.

That one question alone is worth TEN TIMES the price of the whole boot camp!” 

Craig, Washington

A man and woman are looking at each other.

Let’s get you going right away…

Some of the Yes Point Principles are available to you FREE with your membership, as you access the content in our knowledge base. But your best bet is to have an in-store training for you and your entire staff.
Normally, the price for all of this is $5,000.00 plus travel expenses, but as members of JEMS, you get it for half that. You save $2,500.00 (which goes a LONG way toward paying for your lifetime membership).
There is no better way to get started! It brings immediate results and it’s also GUARANTEED – If you make a good faith effort to apply what you learn, but can’t point to twice what you paid in new revenue that is directly attributable to this process, you can get your money back.

JEMS INSTITUTE, 3731 W South Jordan Pkwy Ste 102-124 South Jordan UT 840095