Jems Institute

Simplify Your Marketing with JEMS Turnkey Promotions

All of our promotions are based on profit-proven, direct response marketing principles, and our collection is constantly growing. You’ll find a promotion for just about any purpose!
A man and woman are holding hands in front of jewelry.

Our current – but growing – collection of Turnkey Promotions

Your life-long JEMS membership gets you access to this ever-increasing cadre of powerful marketing promotions. And you can license them at a fraction of the price non-member jewelers pay. You’ll save a minimum of 50% and up to 100% OFF, depending on the promotion and the points you earn as a JEMS member. CLICK HERE to learn more about points and how they can save you even more!

Dinner For Lovers™

Give away FREE Dinners if couples will simply come in and get acquainted. No purchase necessary. And why not? The dinners don’t have to cost you a thing using this incredible strategy!

Easter Egg-stravaganza™

Yes, you too can have hundreds of customers coming through your doors every easter season, with this proven promotion that involves a lot of excitement, but NO discounts!

5-Card Estate™ Promo

Follow up your nationally sponsored or personally promoted estate buying event with this insanely powerful Estate Sale promotion. Clients have a hard time saying no to all these 1-of-a-kind items, especially when presented in such an incomparably classy and compelling way.

You Get The Gifts Store Birthday Party

Free prizes a a variety of value levels go to customers who come crashing in to your store anniversary party, held over 3 days to a week. Everybody wins, but they’ll all want the grand prize, and that’s why they come… along with the fun, of course.

Birthstone Birthdays

Say happy birthday to your customers with a birthday card and offer that goes far beyond ordinary industry programs.

Celebrity Estate Sale

3rd party Estate Vendors can bring in wonderful estate pieces any time you want, often previously owned by celebrities and other famous people. But the marketing provided by these vendors often leaves something to be desired. We can help, with our proven campaign to get more customers through the door.

The Marketing Gems Christmas Catalog

Lots of vendors provide holiday catalogs featuring their own products. And several will grant you a couple of pages on which to display your own goods. But most of these catalogs are fatally flawed, lacking the kind of cataloging expertise that can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales. Why not develop your own catalog, front to back, and base it on the sound, proven principles and strategies of top

Golden Black Friday

Based on Bill Warren’s famous Black Friday successes, but with several added dimensions to dramatically increase your chances for stunning success!

Annual Golden Opportunity Sale

This once-a-year deep discount promotion will become a much anticipated annual event that generates untold excitement throughout your community, can generate astonishing sales, and clear out all of that aged merchandise or street-purchased items that carry with them marvelous margins.

Hot Grill, Hot Girl Promotion

This “smoking hot” promotion is sure to capture the imagination of your male prospects in particular, and is especially good at bringing in new clients. You give away a top quality grill with qualifying jewelry purchases. It’ll soon become a eagerly looked forward to annual promotion, just in time for tailgating season or Father’s Day

The Antwerp Video Promotion

With the advent of video conferencing, you can take your clients to Antwerp with you! Take pre-orders, pre-select a collection of qualifying diamonds, then let your client choose the diamond they want. It’s a dazzling package that can truly elevate your results if Antwerp is your thing.

Anybody’s Gift Card Promotion

Now you can accept anybody’s gift card to bring prospects through the door in hordes. Starbucks? Take their gift card. Best Buy? Take theirs too. Outback Steakhouse? Why not? And of course, other jewelers’ cards as well. You don’t need to discount and you wind up with an asset you can use to attract other customers, reward special clients, incentivize your team, or even turn them into cash!

Lab Grown Opportunist™

You can be your local lab grown specialist, a fair information broker regarding lab crowns, or even the local anti-lab grown purist. Any of these positions can make you a fortune, when you know how to exploit the position you choose. Our turnkey campaign gives you everything you need for whichever position you take.

Rhodium & Repair

This simple postcard campaign can keep your shop humming all year long.

Shop Local Consortium™

Nothing has been more devastating to local businesses than the Internet. Trouble is, most consumers don’t realize what it’s costing them to buy online. If they did, they do it far less often. Give your community all the reasons they need to shop local, and many of them will!

The Virtual Shopping Experience

xpand your geographic reach by offering prospects the chance to shop personally with you, but virtually, through a video conference. Born of the pandemic, this innovative strategy can be a useful way to distinguish yourself from the competition and bring in sales that might otherwise be impossible. We give you all the tools and instruction to make it possible.

Up & Add-on Selling

Every jeweler knows this is a vital strategy for increasing the size of your average ticket. And in today’s economy, that may be the best way to keep profits high. But few jewelers have a system for getting the upselling and add-on selling performance they need from their team. This system can help you do just that.

Be A Hero™ Joint Venture

Simple, easy, low-cost, low tech way to work with others to make them heros in the eyes of their customers, and bring you a windfall of new business...

Gateway to Forever™

Ensure that you’re the FIRST AND LAST stop about-to-be-engaged couples make for their bridal jewelry, with this comprehensive joint venture program that virtually locks out the competition, wherever it may be.

Hi-Tech Holiday™

Have the best Black Friday through New Year’s Day in your store’s history with this holiday promotion proven to get more customers. And do it by increasing your closing rate and average ticket, while you eliminate returns!

Incentive-Based Referral Reward Program

This profit-proven, customer-generating system brings in quality customers more affordably than anything else you’ve tried in the past.

Return of Layaway™ & Reverse Layaway™

Layaway is making a comeback! Set yourself apart in the community and get customers coming in during the holidays and the rest of the year.

Graduated Discount Gift Card™

Every store offers gift cards; few people buy them. Why? Because they're a bad deal for the buyer. Until NOW! You can set yourself apart from the competition AND increase sales and profits in this unique and astonishing way…

Private Sale Program

A promotion that generates response rates upwards of 60%! Sell more in three days than you do in a month–then rinse and repeat.

Beat the Internet™

Stop losing business to those Internet "Diamond Husslers" You can now beat them at their game EVERY TIME, WITHOUT having to play it…

Dare to Compare™

You MUST Differentiate or DIE! Now you can set yourself apart from the big chains, big boxes, other independents & even the Internet and do it in a credible and compelling way…

Reactivation Letter

It’s usually easier than you think to get dormant business back. Resurrect old customers–even if you haven’t seen them for a decade or more!

Jeweler to the Rescue™

A smart way to stay in touch with your customers by reaching out just in time for those special events in their lives that require jewelry, but for which they too often procrastinate. Save them from themselves and you'll be a hero!

Odd Gems Promotion™

Send your best customers odd, interesting, semi-precious stones with no strings attached. Of course, they’ll need a setting–and a lot more…

Insurance Agent Appraisal JV™

Imagine getting local insurance agents to proactively send you their clients for appraisals–and the sales you could make in the process.

Jewelry Box Audit™

Get customers to bring in their entire jewelry collection and tell them what they’re worth, what should be repaired, what could be sold, and more.

5-Facet Guarantee™

Build your customer base and drive sales by taking risk away from your prospects–a powerful strategy that helps reluctant customers take the plunge.

Beat 'Em to the Punch™

Today's millennial – and everyone else who has a computer – buys differently than they used to. If you can get to them BEFORE the competition, you can WIN! This comprehensive digita/traditional marketing system gets it done. Here's how…

Mother’s Day 3-Offer Program™

Imagine getting local insurance agents to proactively send you their clients for appraisals–and the sales you could make in the process.

Buy Gold Program

If buying gold, diamonds, and gems is still an important part of your product mix, this program is for you. Turn old gold into higher profits!

Adopt an Orphan™

When a competitor goes out of business, this li'l promotion will help you round up all those poor lost souls who don't know where to go for their jewelry needs…

The Tear and Tickle™ TV Ads

Tug at the heartstrings with this series of six, fully-produced TV ads that’ll "get ’em" in the heart & funnybone every time (and bring new business directly to your door).

I've Been Watching™ Community Influencers

When local celebrities and big shots talk, people listen. Use this simple idea to make sure they're talking about YOU!

Employer Benefits

Employers big and small are always looking for a recruiting and retention edge. Help them find a new one by partnering with YOU…

Bling & Boom
Appraisal Promo